Emergency 24-Hour Line: 740-260-3206
Eligibility Information: 740-439-4451 ext. 6835
The Guernsey County Board of Developmental Disabilities is committed to the success of each person we serve. People with disabilities should have an opportunity to be employed in their community. Exploring careers and community jobs, connecting with friends who work, and planning for a career is very rewarding.
If you are a person with developmental disabilities who is interested in career opportunities, we are excited to help you along your journey. We can coordinate job training or coaching to help you learn the skills needed in order to find meaningful employment. Along with the coordination, we can assist you in finding solutions for potential barriers such as transportation, accessibility, and accommodations to help you work in the community. We can also help you understand how employment can impact your benefits and how to manage benefit changes.
We work collaboratively with a number of vendors, providers, businesses, and community leaders in order to help you find a job in your community. For assistance in your employment journey, please contact your SSA.
When you turn 14, the Employment Navigator will meet with you to help plan for your vocational or academic future and create a bridge from school to adulthood.
For more employment information please contact your SSA or the Employment Navigator, Jennifer Oakley at 740-439-4451 ext. 6826.
Employment for People with DD
Job Training Skills
Knowledge Education Youth Success (K.E.Y.S.)
KEYS is a two week long summer program, for individuals between the ages of 14 to 18, that is the beginning of your employment journey. Presently, GCBDD has partnered with Cedar Ridge, an employment vendor, to help individuals learn job skills such as: budgeting, interview skills, time management, and other life tools during the first week of the program. The second week, individuals put those skills to work with hands-on experience at different job sites around the county. Please contact your SSA if this program interests you.
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)
OOD is an agency that empowers Ohioans with disabilities through employment, disability determination, and independence. OOD's mission is independence for Ohioans with physical or mental disabilities. OOD works with partners in business, education, and non-profits to facilitate customized employment plans for Ohioans with disabilities. OOD Fact Sheet
Employment First is a policy to ensure every individual of working age has an opportunity to seek employment. Beginning in 2012, when Governor John Kasich signed the Executive Order, a statewide collaboration and coordination was established that made community employment the preferred outcome for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Employment Collaboration
The Guernsey County Employment Collaboration began in 2019 with membership from the County Board, educators, OOD, and MEORC. The mission of the collaboration was to develop a diversified employment workforce throughout the entire county. Communication is key to employment success and the collaboration works to lessen this barrier. The collaborative meets quarterly to discuss topics surrounding employment. During each meeting members discuss future needs and potential new members to invite. For more employment information, please contact Jennifer Oakley at 740-439-4451 ext. 6826.