Emergency 24-Hour Line: 740-260-3206
Eligibility Information: 740-439-4451 ext. 6835

About Us
Statement of Philosophy
The GCBDD believes in providing programs and services for each eligible individual with a developmental disability that will allow the individual to use his/her intellectual and physical abilities to their fullest. Self-sufficiency and independence are the goals for each individual. The service plan for each individual shall be based on a concept of self-determination and choice.
The GCBDD believes that all people should be treated with dignity and respect. It is committed to educating the community to expand and encourage acceptance of individuals with developmental disabilities.
GCBDD encourages individuals to live as positive contributors to the community, by promoting program designed to enable every individual to achieve the maximum development of his or her potential in the least restrictive, most appropriate environment.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Guernsey County Board of DD is to:
ENSURE quality services that
ENHANCE the lives of individuals through
EFFECTIVE use of available resources.
Vision Statement
People with developmental disabilities will lead self directed lives in their communities.
GCBDD will be a benchmark by which other programs measure themselves.
Core Values
Agility, Customer Driven Excellence, Focus on the Future, Focus on Results and Creating Value, Social Responsibility, Valuing Workforce Members and Partners, and Visionary Leadership
In February the Board approved the receipt and disbursement of a supplemental service trust as received from DODD in the amount of $53,987.88 and agrees to use said supplemental trust in compliance with OAC sections 5123-13-01(C)(2) subsections (c),(i),(j),(m),(n),(o),(r),(t),(w). For more information contact Tanya Hitchens, SSA/Medicaid Director, or Stephanie Neuhart, Business Manager at 740-439-4451.